戰爭元素 Elements of War 英文正式版(RTS 即時戰略遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
3. Install
4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
這款RTS新作《戰爭元素(Elements of War)》可謂創意新穎,元素眾多,從現代坦克戰爭
Elements of War ?is a modern RTS set in the post-apocalyptic world
suffering from a global technological disaster. The failed tests of
experimental climate weaponry completely destroyed Washington, D.C.,
burying the government of the United States under ruins. In a sequence
of ecological disasters all over the world, the European Expeditionary
Corps was sent to the war-torn USA where different factions battle for
The story of Elements of War will unfold gradually over the 12 mission
of the single-player campaign, in which you will command the joint
forces of Russia, Germany, France and USA. You will engage in thrillin
battles enriched by highly detailed gameplay animations, realistic
particle physics and dynamic weather that will affect gameplay
directly. A variety of contemporary and modern military hardware aid
you in restoring peace throughout the world. Use highly advanced
weaponry to influence weather and climate to your advantage on the
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